Community Guidelines


Graduate Kickstart is an engagement platform dedicated to connecting prospective employers with students with a view to prospective employment.  Our mission is to connect talent with opportunities.

Graduate Kickstart has created these Community Guidelines to help our members be more productive and successful.

These Community Guidelines cover the types of discussions and content that are acceptable on Graduate Kickstart along with what Graduate Kickstart may deem to be inappropriate and subject to action by Graduate Kickstart. These community guidelines are intended to complement the list of Do’s and Don’ts outlined in the User Agreement.

Be A Real Person

You need to be real person with a real name and accurate information about yourself. It is not okay to provide misleading information about yourself, your qualifications or your work experience, affiliations or achievements.  If registering as an employer or other organization you warrant that you are the official/authorised representative of that organization and have the right to act on behalf of the organization.


You should behave professionally and not be dishonest or inappropriate. It is not okay to share graphic, obscene or pornographic images.

Respect and do no harm

Anyone who engages in violence or abuse is not welcome onGraduate Kickstart. It is not okay to harass, abuse, or send unwelcome communications to people (this includes junk mail, spam, chain letters, phishing schemes). Do not use Graduate Kickstart:

  • To promote or threaten physical violence or property damage
  • For hate speech acts like attacking people because of their race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, political or religious affiliations, or medical or physical condition
  • To intentionally infect others with viruses, worms, or other software that can destroy or interrupt their data or computer devices
  • To interfere or disrupt Graduate Kickstart services.

Abide by the Law

Graduate Kickstart may not be used for illegal activities or to violate the rights of others or commit fraud. Make sure you have permission to share or use someone else’s copyrighted works, trademarks, private information, or trade secrets.

Respect Graduate Kickstart

Do not use Graduate Kickstart to wrongfully take data or information and do not suggest that you are affiliated with or endorsed by Graduate Kickstart if you are not. Do not violate Graduate Kickstart’s intellectual property rights.